POP 401 Error Fix


The 401 error results from not having compatibility mode activated (it’s usually turned off by default on older computers). To activate compatibility mode, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the POP login site - https://www.ca-pop.net/DCSS2/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdcss2%2f
2. Click on the "Tools" drop-down menu (this is usually either a button that says "Tools" or a button shaped like a gear, found either in the upper-right or upper-left corner, also usually mapped to Alt+T or alternatively Alt+X)
3. Click on "Compatibility View Settings". A new small window should appear
4. Click on "Add". This will add the CA POP page to a list sites that are viewed in compatibility mode.
5. Click on "Close"
6. Refresh the CA POP page and login as normal.

Follow these instructions and try logging in again as normal. If you are still experiencing issues after following all the above steps, please call me at 916-381-3010 and I will assist you further.

SyTech Solutions